sábado, 17 de junio de 2017

LAST SPELLING EXAM Lunes 19 de junio

Clothes: Sandals, socks, dress, trousers, jeans, jacket, shoes, sweater, swimsuit, trainers.

Directions: turn left, roundabout, traffic light, go past, go straight on, turn right, opposite, in front of, behind, next to

Sports equipment: surfboard, swimsuit, swimming cap, tennis racket, net, flip-flops, headband, boots, shinpad, goggles, golf club, helmet, skateboard, shorts, rollerblades

Adjectives: wild, domesticated, cute, ugly, ordinary, unusual, huge, tiny, dangerous, amazing, interesting, heavy, lazy, fat.
Groups: Birds, Fish, Mammals, Amphibians, reptiles, insects, oviparous, viviparous.
Parts of their body: wings, legs, gills, lungs, feathers, fur, scales, skin, scaly skin, fins, peak (pico), Sharp teeth (dientes afilados), paws (pezuñas), claws (garras)
Animals: sloth (perezoso), tick (garrapata), shark, whale, polar bear, tiger, lion, elephant, fox, octopus (pulpo), squid (calamar), monkey, crocodile, aye-aye, crab (cangrejo).

lunes, 12 de junio de 2017

PDFs to practise grammar

http://www.language-worksheets.com/support-files/elementarypresentcontinuousandpresentsimpleexercises.pdf  (Present Simple and Continuous)

http://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/support-files/present_simple_or_present_continuous_1.pdf (Present Simple and Continuous)

http://www.english-area.com/paginas/comparativosE1.pdf  (Comparative adjectives)

http://www.ispilledthebeans.com/exercises/PDF/exercisestobeortohave.pdf  (be and have got)

http://www.ispilledthebeans.com/exercises/PDF/exercisessomeany.pdf (a, some, any)

http://www.autoenglish.org/gr.some.pdf (a, some, any)

Websites to practise grammar

http://www.agendaweb.org/verbs/to-be-exercises.html  (to be)

http://www.agendaweb.org/verbs/to-have-mixed-exercises.html  (have got)

http://www.agendaweb.org/grammar/there_is_are-exercises.html (there is / there are)

http://www.agendaweb.org/verbs/present_simple-exercises.html (Present simple)

http://www.agendaweb.org/verbs/present_continuous-exercises.html (Present Continuous)

http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/viewgame.asp?id=1098 (Present Simple and Continuous)

http://www.agendaweb.org/verbs/present-progressive.html (Present Simple and Continuous)

http://www.learnenglishfeelgood.com/esl-mixed-modals1.html  (modal verbs)

http://www.agendaweb.org/grammar/comparison-exercises.html (comparative adjectives)

What to prepare for the final exam 19th June

Final exam next Monday 19th June and Tuesday 20th June

- Spelling exam (words from the six spelling tests we have done throughout this term)
- Listening test

- Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading and Writing

What to study?

Vocabulary: Days of the week, Numbers, Animals, adjectives to describe animals and parts of their bodies.
Grammar: TO BE, HAVE GOT, There is / There are, articles (a, an, some, any), Present Simple, Adverbs of Frequency, Present Continuous, Modal verbs (CAN, CAN'T, SHOULD, MUST,  MUSTN'T), Comparative adjectives.

jueves, 11 de mayo de 2017

Vocabulary for spelling Monday 15th May


Swimming: swimming cap, goggles, swimsuit, towel (toalla), flip-flops.
Skateboarding: skateboard, helmet, knee or wrist protections, baggy clothes.
Rollerblading: rollerblades, helmet, knee or wrist protections, socks, sport clothes.
Surfing: Surfboard, wetsuit (traje de neopreno), sun cream, swimsuit.
Football: Sport clothes, trainers, long socks, ball, goalkeeper gloves, shinpad.
Tennis: tennis ball, tennis racket, sport clothes, trainers, net, wristband, headband.
Golf: Golf stick / golf club, golf ball, polo shirt, tee, golf bag, cap.

What to study for the test (Tuesday 16th May)


- Clothes pg. 60

- Sports equipment pg. 72 + class notes (apuntes)

- Directions pg. 72 + class notes (apuntes)


- Be / Have got

- There is / There are

- Present Simple / Present Continuous


- Asking and giving directions.