viernes, 31 de marzo de 2017

Spelling test (end of term)

Monday 3rd April 2017

Spelling 11:
trekking, baseball, scuba diving, roller skating, martial arts, play videogames, cricket, play musical instruments, climbing, downhill.

Spelling 12:
read a magazine, play the piano, do homework, listen to music, chat online,  meet friends, surf the net, play basketball, do sport, go to sleep

Spelling 13:
read, listen, learn, swim, jump, wear, catch, skate, study, watch

Spelling 14:

surfing, boxing, weight lifting, skiing, gymnastics, archery, rock climbing, skateboarding ,parachuting, ice skating

Spelling 15:

get up, do homework,  have breakfast, go home, study,  have a shower, have lunch,  watch television,  have dinner , go to sleep.

Spelling 16:

jungle, monkey, fox, law, pack, fire, python, man cub, jackal, honey, wolf/wolves.

Spelling 17:

Lake, river, cave, mountain, island,ocean, forest, rainforest, jungle, waterfall, hill, cliff, beach, Land, desert, geographical .

miércoles, 29 de marzo de 2017

What to study for the test on Friday 31st March


 Geographical features: cave, island, ocean, river, hill, mountain, land, desert, forest, jungle, oasis, beach, lake, waterfall, cliff, valley.


- There is / There are
- Verb BE
- Present Simple
- Present Continuous (Be + -ing)

viernes, 10 de marzo de 2017

Spelling words «The Jungle Book»

Man cub, pack, wolf/wolves, fox, jackal, honey, lost, fire, law, jungle, burn, monkey, python, city, bear, tiger, pot.

jueves, 9 de marzo de 2017

Writing composition (Homework for Monday)

Think about the ending of "The Jungle Book" and answer the questions:

- Does Mowgli arrive in the human town?
- Does he meet someone? Who?
- Is he welcomed?
- Is he happy there?
- Do Bagheera and Baloo stay with him?

After answering the questions, write a text beginning like this:

In the last chapter, Mowgli  arrives in ...

Mowgli, the human cub

Present Simple vs Present Continuous

Watch the video and reflect upon the differences between Present Simple and Continuous. We will talk about it in class.